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All the news about the Objectives and Key Results method, our product announcements and the team news.
What’s new in April 2022?
Find out what’s new in avril 2022 in Rising Goal. Our selection of new features of Rising Goal, a saas solution for OKR.
How to build OKRs?
How to build OKRs? It is a matter of method. Rising Goal explains the steps you need to take to achieve great impact.
OKR what do you gain from applying the method?
OKR what do you gain from applying the method? You are still hesitant to apply the OKR method. Discover 5 benefits it brings.
What’s new in February 2022
Find out what’s new in February 2022 in Rising Goal. Our selection of new features of Rising Goal, a saas solution for OKR.
The dilemma of strategy
The dilemma of strategy : how will you reconcile the tension between focus areas (the forces of stability) and goals (the forces of change) ?
OKR method do you have the basics?
OKR method do you have the basics? Rising Goal shares the fundamentals and outlines the application of the OKR method.
What’s new in January 2022
Find out what’s new in January 2022 in Rising Goal. Our selection of new features of Rising Goal, a saas solution for OKR.
How to choose the Best OKR Tool for your business
Objective and Key Results Software: how to choose the Best OKR Tool for your business (and why choose Rising Goal solution).
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