What's New in December 2021?

A selection of new features that went live since our last product release

What’s New In December 2021

Be Collaborative !

In recent weeks, we have focused on a more collaborative use of Rising Goal.

First, we have simplified the consultant role to work with multiple organizations; and enriched the guest role to share OKRs.

Moreover, comments and feedbacks are live!

It’s also now much more easier to:

  • follow an OKR, just follow the star,
  • align an objective with a upper goal, directly from the detail section.

Let’s take a closer look:

The Consultant Role

Work with multiple organizations

As an external consultant, you may have to work with multiple organizations at the same time. In Rising Goal, with a single account, different companies are now able to invite you to work with them, as a guest or a member.

How to use this option?

From your profile menu, choose the “Connect To” menu and the organization you want to connect to.
You will be redirected to the login page for this organization. Log in.

The Guest Role

Simplify access to the right information with published views

The pricing plan is based on members and guests. Members are active users. They can manage OKRs and KPIs. Guests can access this information.
Since they’re not as active as members, they need a quick and easy way to access their information. The published views are specially designed to meet this need.
Members can design their custom view and publish it. Once published, they can share the link of the view with the guests. This gives them access to the right information in just one click.

Others New Features 

Comment, Feedback & Follow


You can comment on all elements of the Rising Goal model : objective, key result, initiative, hypothesis, review and KPI.
Because everyone has the right to have an opinion or a question, even guest have access to this feature !


Write Your Comment
Ask for feedback


Because feedback is not always enough, be proactive and ask for feedback on your OKRs. The people mentioned will be notified. A link will allow them to view and comment on your OKR.


Follow the star 

To not miss any information, you can follow an OKR or an initiative for which you are not responsible. You will be notified of changes and comments.

And of course, you can use that information to filter out the right items to see.


Filter followed items

What’s new in december 2021

Explore all the features of Rising Goal

This is just a sampler of what we’ve been up to.

So sign-up here to explore on your own!

Tell us what you think!

There’s a lot to explore in Rising Goal and we love hearing about your experience. Your feedback always helps us improve. So, feel free to contact us to share your thoughts and let us know what’s well and/or bad. Thank you!


Want to learn more about OKRs Software ?

We have written an article for you to better understand the ecosystem of OKRs tools and make the best choice for your business.

Don't know how to start with your OKR journey ?

You want to start your OKR journey but you don’t know how ?

Here’s a handy step-by-step guide to help you getting started with Rising Goal.